gezond water voor alles en iedereen

Stichting Gezond Water -Foundation Healthy Waters

Volunteers from Stichting Gezond Water (SGW) are committed to the health in the water system and human's health. Mainly the use of fish lead is the focus of attention. Sport fishermen are not only the biggest but also the most unnecessary source of lead in the waters. Over 30 % of all the lead in the water in the Netherlands is lead that has been lost bij sport fishermen.

Lead poisons the water, the water bottom, and the living organisms in the water. Lead accumulates in the food chain, Water organisms have diffent sensibility to lead but research shows effects of lead in the water as of a few micrograms per litre. Research by the Wageingen University Research and SGW shows the effects of lead on the red list Species (KRW).

Beside lead, SGW als focuses on PFAS and fluff. More information (in Dutch) can be found on the website An e-mail tp info@stichtinggezondwater will be (jf possible) answered in your own language. You can also use the CONTACT page in the website.

SGW has asked municipalities to expand permissions to fishing with a ban on fishing leads. Some thirthy municipals are thinking and three have done this, Amersfoort, Deventer and Leusden. The others will follow, like recently Helmond and Apeldoorn, soon SGW hopes.  

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